Contact the VOHC

To contact the VOHC Director:

Send an email, fax, or mailed note to:

Fax: 1-208-895-7872

For packages, FedEx, UPS, etc., please use the following address:
103 E Calderwood Drive
Suite 110
Meridian, ID, 83642

For letters, please use:

VOHC Director, c/o MatrixAMC
P.O. Box 1311
Meridian, Idaho 83680

A telephone call will be scheduled if necessary once the initial contact has been made.

Please note that VOHC does not respond to requests for information on products that are not on the VOHC Accepted list, or for advice on oral care of individual pets.

Please contact your veterinarian or an AVDC-certified veterinary dental specialist for advice on individual pets.