The VOHC Council
The VOHC Council consists of nine members, veterinary dentists, dental scientists with experience in scientific protocol and study design, and a non-voting director. The Council members are appointed by the President and Board of Directors of the American Veterinary Dental College, which oversees the policies and procedures of the Council.
The Council reviews submissions and recommends whether to award the VOHC Seal to a product. Council members also consider additions or changes to VOHC policies. Decision of Council are made in the form of recommendations for ratification by the AVDC Board of Directors.

Dr. Jamie Anderson
Sacramento, CA

Mary Berg
Lawrence, KS

Dr. Lisa Fink
Phoenix, AZ

Dr. William Krug
Chicago, IL

Dr. Helen Kuntsi Veikkola

Dr. Matthew Lemmons
Indianapolis, IN

Dr. Alex Reiter
Philadelphia, PA

Dr. Laurie Serfilippi
Susquehanna, PA

Dr. Ellen Lowery
Lafayette, IN
Non-voting VOHC Council Director

Dr. Ana Nemec
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When joining the Council, new members sign a conflict-of-interest statement and agree to abide by a confidentiality policy. Council members other than the Director serve without remuneration.